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Little Valley Haven

Tallow Diaper Balm | 2 oz | 57g

Tallow Diaper Balm | 2 oz | 57g

Tallow diaper balm is a natural and effective way to soothe and protect your baby's skin from diaper rash.

Tallow diaper balm is safe for newborns and babies of all ages, and it is also safe to use on cloth diapers.

Benefits include:

* Natural and gentle
* Effective at preventing and treating diaper rash
* Safe for newborns and babies of all ages
* Safe to use on cloth diapers
* Affordable and easy to find

If you are looking for a natural and effective way to soothe and protect your baby's skin, tallow diaper balm is a great option.

Ingredients: grass fed tallow, coconut oil, non-nano zinc, bentonite clay, beeswax, aloe, essential oils